Wednesday 11 February 2015

Coolest " diamond " earrings ever / Midburn 2015 / handmade / israel / gold plated

Coolest " diamond " earrings ever /  Midburn 2015 / handmade / israel /  gold plated

Pendant diameter 2cm

Our story:

Last year the “Midburn” festival was born in Israel. You can call it the Israeli Burning Man, but for us, a group of 30 people, it was like waking up, like getting born again.

For 5 days we were in heaven. Extreme heat and sand storms were daily reminders that this amazing thing we were doing was very far from our daily life. We had an 8 meter tall Chinese pagoda, alternative sumo fights in our very own sumo arena, giant noodle dinner giveaways and a huge papier-mâché dragon flying high above the 3000 people attending. We got the feeling that this is what we need to do in life: build, create, give from our hearts and minds and then just lean back and see the reactions of people to our creative hug.

This year, our vision goes even further! Our plan is to bring space into the Midburn and midburners into space. We dream of a spaceship that will make you forget you were ever on earth. We envision a bar that will serve crazy glowing drinks for your eyes to see and for your body to experience  A solar-supported cool room to escape the desert heat and make you feel like you’re on the dark side of the moon. A flying creature from outer space that will travel between all burners and make you smile no matter what year you were born in, and in between all of these attractions we will do what aliens do best – kidnap random people and run their sinister “experiments” on them.

To bring this vision to reality we need you. Your donation will help us cover some of the costs of materials and equipment needed for this project to fully take off into the stratosphere and beyond!

Anyway that you can help would be AMAZING. If you see anything you like – go for it. If there’s something you would like us to modify, just ask, we’ll try our best to accommodate even the weirdest requests. But most importantly: spread the word, tell your friends about this thing we are doing here. Every donation helps!

We’ll answer ANY question you may have. That is, unless it concerns the meaning of life, in which case we have to say in advance, we're not sure.

Thank you!!!
here is a taste of what we have in mind for the spaceship:

You can contact us on Instagram @kusomo2015 or twitter #KuSumo_2015

For more info about the Midburn check out                    

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